Ridgewood,NJ Tiger Scouts Pack 44 Build Custom Tool Box Kits at Kuiken Brothers

On Wednesday, November, 18th Kuiken Brothers’ Midland Park Yard Foreman Mark Everett, along with four members of his staff, prepared tool box kits for 9 Tiger Scouts who would be visiting from Ridgewood, NJ Pack 44 that evening.


Upon their arrival the First Grade Tiger Scouts, parents, siblings and Den Leaders Nicholas Andreopoulos and Suraj Saggar, walked through the lumberyard to the Kuiken Brothers millwork workshop. With safety being top priority, Mark Everett explained the safety rules of the lumberyard and workshop.

IMG_1411After some assembly direction from Mark, each of the young Tiger Scouts anxiously began working on their tool box project with their parents and Kuiken Brothers staff.


After a little over an hour of hard work and determination these nine young Tiger Scouts, along with Kuiken Brothers staff, were proud to show off their new tool boxes.

Kuiken Brothers MP Tiger Scout VisitUpon their departure from the lumberyard each of the boys were given their own Kuiken Brothers nail apron along with carpenter pencils to take home for their next project. Putting their apron and pencils into their freshly made tool box, each of the boys left excited about their accomplishment and a better understanding of the lumberyard and the things you can build.

The entire team at Kuiken Brothers would like to thank Pack 44 for asking us to be a part of this very special project and we are excited to know that there are nine great future builder and remodelers in Bergen County!

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