Kuiken Brothers Midland Park Hosts Wyckoff Cub Scout Pack 110 Bear Den 6 - Thursday October 9th, 2014

SONY DSCKuiken Brothers’ Midland Park Yard Foreman Mark Everett, along with two of his staff, John Connolly and Sam Davitt prepared tool box kits for 14 Cub Scouts who would be visiting from Wyckoff Cub Scout Pack 110 Bear Den 6. That evening Kuiken Brothers welcomed the fourteen Cub Scouts to complete their “Sawdust & Nails” achievement. The first of twelve achievements they must complete over the next year to advance to the next level in their journey to becoming Boy Scouts.


Upon their arrival the 14 Cub Scouts, ages 8 to 10, along with their parents and Den Leaders Christine Costello and Rene Mack, were escorted through the lumber yard to the Kuiken Brothers millwork workshop. With safety being top priority, Mark Everett explained the safety rules of being at a lumber yard and all visitors were given safety goggles. Mark then showed all the boys the different saws that were used to prepare their tool box kits. He also explained the different types of wood even allowing the boys to smell a piece of fresh cut cedar.


After a brief tour the cub scouts were quickly put to work on building their tool boxes. Anxiously the boys took their kits and began working on their first achievement “Sawdust & Nails” with their parents, Den Leaders and Kuiken Brothers staff.


After a little more than an hour of hard work and determination by these 14 young boys, we are pleased to announce, the fourteen Cub Scouts from Wyckoff Pack 110, Bear Den 6, successfully completed their first achievement and built their own tool box.



Upon their departure from the lumber yard each of the boys were given their own Kuiken Brothers nail apron along with carpenter pencils to take home for their next project. Putting their apron, pencils and goggles all into their freshly made tool box, each of the boys left excited about their accomplishment and a better understanding of the lumberyard and the things you can build.


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