We were pleasantly surprised to hear that a project we supplied in Arkansas (yes, we do ship our moulding profiles nationwide) was featured in the July 2017 issue of Journal of Light Construction, “Building a Federal Mantle” by Gary Striegler. If you happened to see this article and were interested in learning a little more details about the profiles that were used, you’ll find all of those secrets below.
To create the design, Gary chose seven unique panel moulding profiles from our KB Classical Moulding Collection. Here is one example of how you can combine profiles from Kuiken Brothers Federal Moulding Collection to replicate a historic design. Popular after the Revolutionary War and inspired by English Architect Robert Adam, the Federal Style is much lighter and more delicate than the bold Georgian mouldings. Note the cavetto shapes and simple beads which helps the mouldings to read as more refined in a room. This style would have been popular from the 1770’s through the early 1800’s and was often ornamented with decorations like urns, swags and busts.
Download Kuiken Brothers Federal Style Mantle Plans
To view a digital library of the entire KB Classical Moulding Collection, click here. If you would like a copy of the new KB Classical Moulding Catalog please complete our Catalog Request form and we will mail you a copy right away.
Make sure to check out our Moulding Design Guide while you’re here. Featuring over 70 moulding packages, including crown/ cornice build-ups, mantle details as well as full room and home packages, this free resource is a great specifying and educational tool to help elevate your interior moulding offering to the next level.
Here are some additional behind the scenes photos detailing the process of building a Federal style mantel using KB Classical Moulding profiles.