A Closer Look Into The Modern Craftsman Judges Panel Entry With Kuiken Brothers Modern Craftsman Moulding Collection

If you’re interested in bringing back the craft from yesteryear, from an era when mouldings were a part of the initial design and not an afterthought, then we think that you’ll appreciate some of the resources that we offer within our Moulding Design Guide.  We feature all of the moulding profiles and measurements to re-create classic, timeless and historic moulding packages, many from homes built within the United States over 200 years ago.  The interior elevation below featuring the Modern Craftsman Judges Panel Entry is just one of our seventy combinations we have curated for you to review. Once you’ve had a chance to review the Judges Panel Entry, make sure to check out the rest of the moulding packages. You won’t be disappointed!

A Modern Craftsman Judges Panel Entry Created with Kuiken Brothers Modern Craftsman Collection

This Judges Panel Entry was created using profiles from our in-stock Modern Craftsman Moulding Collection. The Modern Craftsman Moulding Collection blends the simplicity of profiles found in craftsman style homes built in the early 20th century while still maintaining proper scale and proportion, inspired by our Classical Moulding Collection. These profiles are not scant. They are all milled from poplar which creates deep incisions and crisp edges, ensuring each shadow line is purposeful and meaningful. It works great today as a simple, yet bold application for those looking to achieve a modern look with a classical edge.

The individual profiles used in this collection are S4S 1×4KB883 Modern Craftsman Inset PanelKB342 Modern Craftsman Stepped Cove CrownKB341 Modern Craftsman Stepped Cove CrownKB267 Modern Craftsman BaseKB256 Modern Craftsman BaseKB163 Modern Craftsman Casing.

This room is featured in our Moulding Design Guide in the Modern Craftsman Judges Panel Entry. Kuiken Brothers’ Moulding Design Guide is a digital resource featuring detailed interior elevation drawings of over seventy unique moulding combinations, including full room packages, cornice combinations, coffered ceilings and mantles designs using profiles from our in-stock Moulding Collection. Detailed CAD drawings (DWG & DXF) and inspirational photos can be downloaded as you navigate through the various options.

Interested in learning more, or incorporating these designs into a future project? We are happy to mail you a complimentary catalog. Simply fill out the Request A Moulding Catalog form, choose whether you wish to receive our Full Line Catalog (showcasing our complete stock collection) the Classical Moulding Catalog (featuring six historically accurate collections) the Modern Craftsman Catalog (Craftsman style with a Classical edge) or all three and we will mail you a copy right away. If you’d like to discuss an upcoming project, please call (201) 652-1912 and a sales representative will follow up with you right away.

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