Titebond TiteGrab Ultimate Adhesive Now In-Stock at Kuiken Brothers Locations in NJ & NY


Kuiken Brothers is now stocking TiteGrab (sku F6701) from Titebond. TiteGrab’s onitial grab is so powerful it quickly holds heavy items – even on vertical surfaces. A few of the more popular interior and exterior applications include crown moulding and trim, mantels, mirrors, foam board, shiplap/ wood paneling and exterior trim.

Titebond Ultimate TiteGrab Adhesive is an advanced polymer formula, specifically designed to decrease installation time of vertical applications, with double the initial vertical bond strength of most other adhesives. It grabs heavy materials quickly, reducing time and amount of bracing, ultimately achieving a strong, permanent bond to porous and non-porous substrates.

Now in-stock at Kuiken Brothers locations in NJ & NY. If you would like more information on Titebond TiteGrab products, please feel free to stop by, give us a call, or complete the Contact Us Form and one of our representatives will follow up with you right away!

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