Boise Cascade VersaStud Engineered Studs Available from Kuiken Brothers in NJ & NY

Kuiken Brothers is now STOCKING Boise Cascade VERSA-STUD engineered studs (View our Stock Chart).


VERSA-STUD wall framing offers at least 2.1 times more bending strength and 20% more stiffness than no. 2 SPF dimension lumber studs. Versa-Stud wall framing provides superior wind resistance, strength and appearance in tall wall applications and eliminates the “hinge” created by platform framing. Versa-Stud products should be considered for stairwells, entrance door and window walls, elevator shafts, pocket doors and walls where cabinets or wall tile will be installed. These products are available in lengths up to 60′ for specialized applications and optimized cutting.


For the past few decades Kuiken Brothers has been shipping material to projects along the Jersey Shore, and in all five boroughs of New York City. Now, with 9 locations and a fleet of over 80 vehicles, our ability to serve you in territories further than we may have previously considered has become even easier than before. If you are traveling further to work on projects impacted by Hurricane Sandy, please make sure to give us a call to see how we can continue to supply your needs.

If you would like more information about the Boise Cascade VERSA-STUD engineered studs at Kuiken Brothers, please feel free to give us a call, or send us a quick note through the Contact Us form on our website and we will be more than happy to follow up with you.

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