A Message to Our Customers: COVID-19 Coronavirus (As of March 14, 2020)

As COVID-19, the coronavirus, begins to have an increased impact on our communities, Kuiken Brothers is taking measures to ensure the health and well-being of our community.

We understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding this emerging crisis, but as many others, our team is closely following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other local and national health organizations.

Our stores are Open for Business, however in an attempt to keep everyone safe and healthy, we are asking that customers please consider placing orders remotely by the following options:

By utilizing the technologies available to us, we hope to keep our community healthy, and productive. This is no doubt a challenge to our community, but as a community, we will see it through, together. Kuiken Brothers is here to help. Again, our yards and stores are all open for pick-up and delivery, however we encourage you to use the available technologies to limit in-person activity at this time.

To stay up to date on current communication on how COVID-19 Coronavirus is impacting our business, please consider:

Thank you,

Matthew D. Kuiken
Vice President of Operations
(201) 705-5367


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