Designing with Classical Moulding Seminars by Brent Hull Nov 4, 2010 - Kuiken Brothers Product Expo


Are you tired of using the same old mouldings? Do you feel like your designs could use a little creativity? Have you ever walked into a room in an old house and it just felt right? Well there is a reason why the builders and designers back 150 to 200 years ago understood this idea of classical proportions and classical design. Have you ever heard of the Golden Rectangle? This idea of perfect proportions? Well if you understood the idea, you know that it could change the way you use mouldings and how you design a room. Come to the Kuiken brothers Product Expo on November 4th at the Sheraton Crossroads in Mahwah, NJ where Brent will be teaching classes on historical design and classical mouldings.

If you are an architect interested in providing your customers with something new and unique, than this is a must attend event for you. While these seminars do not qualify for AIA/CES credits, there will be plenty of other opportunities to get those in the future. We hope to see you here! To register for the Brent Hull seminars at Kuiken Brothers Product Expo on November 4, 2010, visit the Product Expo page where you will see links to the registration form. The event is free, but seating is limited for all educational events, so REGISTER TODAY!

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