AIA Seminar & Cocktail Hour at Kuiken Brothers Midland Park Millwork Showroom (Marvin Windows & Huber Engineered Woods) May 16, 2024 3:00pm

Thursday May 16, 2024
Kuiken Brothers Midland Park Millwork Showroom
145 Lake Ave., Midland Park, NJ 07432
Marvin Windows & Doors, Huber Engineered Wood Products, Kuiken Brothers Architectural Millwork Services (windows, interior and entry doors, moulding, architectural hardware)

Schedule of Events:
3:00pm – 4:00pm Marvin Windows & Doors
4:00pm – 5:00pm Huber Engineered Woods
5:00pm – 6:30pm – Cocktail Reception in Kuiken Brothers Millwork Showroom (drinks, hors d’oeuvres served)

Please join Kuiken Brothers and our partners Marvin Windows & Doors and Huber Engineered Wood for a casual AIA/ CES seminar at our newly remodeled Midland Park, NJ Millwork Showroom. Our manufacturer partners will present their seminars and it will be immediately followed with light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres throughout the renovated space. Learn how this value added service was created with you, the architect and your clients in mind. Meeting your clients within the space alongside one of our Architectural Millwork Specialists. High-end window, door, entry door, cabinetry, moulding, architectural services are all at your fingertips. PLUS work with our Building Material Specialists to understand how each of these elements fit together with the lumber and structural members to help meet the current energy code requirements.

Thursday May 16, 2024
Kuiken Brothers Midland Park Millwork Showroom
145 Lake Ave., Midland Park, NJ 07432

3:00pm – 4:00pm

Meeting Design and Performance Requirements with Pultruded Fiberglass Windows and Doors

1 LU Hours — Eligible for HSW Credit
Presented by Marvin Windows & Doors

This course will familiarize you with the basic aspects of fiberglass composites, with a specific emphasis on pultruded fiberglass. By examining the performance characteristics, durability and numerous environmental advantages of pultruded fiberglass, the course will outline the advantages of windows and doors made from pultruded fiberglass and use case studies to demonstrate applications across a wide variety of multi-family and commercial build environments where sustainability, durability and human experience are prioritized.

4:00pm – 5:00pm

Managing Condensation and Thermal Performance with Continuous Insulation

1 LU Hours
Presented by Huber Engineered Woods

Building codes and green building standards are continuing to raise the bar on energy efficiency and high performance in buildings. In wood-framed buildings designing for thermal and moisture management in wall cavities, as well as the air tightness of the building enclosure, are all core components to creating advanced building enclosures. This presentation will discuss the need for exterior insulation to manage heat transfer and reduce condensation in exterior walls by providing step-by-step examples of how to determine the amount of continuous insulation required to meet prescriptive code requirements depending on climate zone.

Mingle in the Millwork Showroom – Cocktails & hors d’oeuvres

Limited to 20 architect attendees.

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