Earn 4 AIA/CES Credits - Choose from 8 Courses - Kuiken Brothers Product Expo November 6, 2014

Kuiken Brothers would like to invite all professional architects in the greater Tri-State area to attend our Product Expo on Thursday, November 6, 2014 where you can earn up to 4 AIA/CES Continuing Education Credits. We have 8 courses for you to choose from, covering both residential and commercial design and construction.

We do have very limited seating, so RSVP to reserve your seat today!




11:30am – 12:30pm         Introduction to Tall Walls (Qualifies for 1 Learning Unit/CEU)

Presented by Joshua Nau and Tony Carbone, Boise Cascade

An overview of why to use engineered wood products in tall wall applications. What are your options for these types of framing scenarios. Topics discussed to include wind loading and wall deflection performance and comparisons to traditional wood framing methods.

11:30 – 12:30         Understanding and Improving Indoor Air Quality (Qualifies for 1-HSW Learning Unit/CEU)

Presented by Lucas Hamilton, CertainTeed, Physicist

Sustainable buildings now address indoor air quality (IAQ) to enhance the comfort of building occupants. The course focuses on airborne pollutants and chemicals associated with adverse health effects. Participants who complete this course will be able to identify common contaminants and design appropriate remediation strategies, as well as identify emerging product capture technologies.


1:00pm – 2:00pm             Window Installation Best Practices Andersen Windows & Doors (Qualifies for 1-HSW Learning Unit/CEU)

Presented by William Trillich, Andersen Windows

This course provides information about window installation from the perspective of the architect and design professional. Rather than a “how-to” installation training course, information is presented in a format that begins with specifications and detail drawings and ends with job site observation. The slides follow through the stages in the order that a typical project would progress; highlighting key areas where the architect and design professional can take more of a lead role in the successful design and installation of this critical element in the building envelope.

1:00pm – 2:00pm           Commercial Building Design – Understanding Acoustics and Noise Control (Qualifies for 1-HSW & SD Learning Unit/CEU)

Presented by Lucas Hamilton, CertainTeed, Physicist

This course provides an extensive review of the science of sound, how sound flows through various spaces, and how better accoustics can help you achieve points in the Indoor Environmental Quality category of the LEED rating system.


2:30pm – 3:30pm             Classical Mouldings for Interior Architecture (Qualifies for 1-HSW Learning Unit/CEU)

Presented by Brent Hull, Owner & President of Hull Historical

This class will focus on the proper rules of proportion and scale and give suggestions and ideas for elevating the quality of your architectural interiors through the proper use of moldings. The class is practical and challenging but you will walk away with some clear guidelines when using architectural moldings in the future.

  • Proper heights of chair rails
  • Sizing of all the moldings so they work together.
  • Using moldings to communicate hierarchy, and flow.
  • How to avoid random assemble and instead create great details.

2:30pm – 3:30pm        Joint Framing and Protection (Qualifies for 1-HSW Learning Unit)

Presented by Chuck Webb, ClarkDietrich

Need information on steel shapes with intumescent fire stops? Having problems understanding what information UL head-of-wall and other perimeter fire assemblies provide to you? Does your specified joint protection perform as it is intended to perform? This presentation will address these issues as well as present what you need to know about how intumescents provide joint protection. The course will review how to interpret the information provided in UL joint assemblies, what the criteria is for dynamic and static movement, what leakage ratings are provided, and what pitfalls to watch out for in perimeter joint systems.


4:00pm – 5:00pm          Shear Walls and Lateral Bracing in Light Frame Construction (Qualifies for 1 Learning Unit/CEU)

Presented by Norman Hall, Simpson Strong-Tie

Shear Walls and Lateral Bracing in Light Frame Construction gives designers the insight needed to set realistic client expectations when discussing the interplay of structural requirements and design possibilities. We will investigate the impact of wind and seismic loading on light frame structures, and how these forces are resisted in a structure. We’ll discuss selection criteria and the pros and cons of prescriptive vs. performance based (engineered design) solutions. Additionally, we will evaluate three code-approved pre-manufactured wall bracing equivalents that allow designers to maintain design flexibility while meeting code requirements.

4:00pm – 5:00pm        Cement Board and Exterior Finishing Systems (Qualifies for 1-HSW Learning Unit/CEU)

Presented by Scott Hughes, National Gypsum

Provides an overview of cement backer board, features and benefits, and versatile interior and exterior applications with a focus on exterior applications, including Cement Board Stucco Systems (CBSS) and Cement Board Masonry Veneer (CBMV). The program reviews CBSS and CBMV components and performance benefits.



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