Kuiken Brothers AIA Virtual Learning Series continues with host Kevin Hoffman (Kuiken Brothers Millwork Expert & Business Development Rep) who has invited Joe Bower (Architect Business Development Rep), Andersen Windows & Doors on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 12:00pm. We will be utilizing Zoom to host this meeting.
Selecting the Right Window Material for Any Application
1 LU Hours — Eligible for HSW Credit
Thursday March 18, 2021
12:00pm – 1:00pm
All participants will receive an $25 Uber Eats Gift Certificate
Zoom Conference (exclusive link will be provided upon registration)
Windows are a critical element of architectural design. Window selection not only significantly impacts the aesthetics of the project, but also affects the energy efficiency, comfort, durability and sustainability of the building once construction is complete. This learning unit will address some of the more popular window choices available today and provide a comparative review of the features and benefits of these very important building elements. This learning unit will also introduce learners to the standards, tests, and other performance metrics that will enable specifiers to select the right window for the right application.
- Identify different window types based on the product’s base material, cladding and finish
- Discuss some of the main criteria for evaluating window types commonly available today
- Describe the performance attributes of each window material
- Explain how different window materials contribute to energy efficiency and overall sustainability goals including recycling and low maintenance
Limited to 20 architect attendees. Upon receipt of your registration submission, a representative from Kuiken Brothers will be sending you the link to the Zoom Conference.
Upon the conclusion of the AIA portion of this presentation, please stick around to learn more about what is new with Andersen Windows & Doors. We’ll touch on Folding Doors with Contemporary Panels, A-Series Doors (blinds between the glass), Black FSB & Albany Hardware, and New Glass Options (including black & white spacer bards).
Register below!