You're Invited! ThermaTru Doors 2015 Updates and Innovations Dinner at Kuiken Brothers

Kuiken Brothers Therma Tru DoorsCCM200_Clear_mah_LR

Thank you for partnering with Kuiken Brothers! We greatly appreciate your business and invite you to join us for a casual, after-hours event where we will be showcasing the latest innovations from Therma-Tru Doors.

  • Therma-Tru Flush Glazed and SDL
  • Why ClassicCraft (anatomy of a ClassicCraft Door)
  • Doorways (New App for iPhones and Droid to simplify homeowner door selection)
  • New Glass Offerings for 2015

Plus, we’ll have complimentary food & drinks from the Food Trucks.

When & Where:

Thursday June 25, 2015 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Kuiken Brothers Midland Park, NJ
145 Lake Ave Midland Park, NJ

Featured Food Trucks
The French Quarter Food Truck (Cajun New Orleans Style)
Sanducci’s Pizza Oven (Brick Oven Pizza)

We look forward to seeing you then!
(Due to Limited Seating, this is a Trade Only Event – Builders, Remodelers, Architects)

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