Marvin's Ultimate Venting Picture Window Available at Kuiken Brothers in NJ & NY


An expansive picture window is a beautiful way to bring natural light into a room or to highlight a lovely outdoor view. Now it can also be a source of fresh air. Marvin’s Ultimate Venting Picture Window is designed to open evenly on all sides, allowing for passive air exchange. An ingenious mesh screen system allows the sash to project out slightly, 3/4″ to 1″ from the closed position, providing air flow around windows as large as 6’x 6′ or 3′ x 8′.


For either residential or commercial applications, the Ultimate Venting Picture Window can add more than just a pretty view. Consider it an innovative alternative to traditional fixed or operating window choices.

Functionality: The air flow provided by an open Ultimate Venting Picture Window can help with a building’s ventilation when positioned strategically with other windows. By itself, the Ultimate Venting Picture window provides passive air exchange.


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