Download CAD (DWG and DXF) Files for Casings - Kuiken Brothers Stock Window and Door Trim Moulding

Kuiken Brothers has recently launched a page on their website where architects, designers and builders can download the CAD files (DWG and DWF files) of each of their casing profiles with three easy clicks of a mouse. Just follow the steps below and you can start incorporating some truly unique window and door casing profiles into your plans.

Visit the Kuiken Brothers Casing/ Door & Window Trim Moulding Section, and choose from more than 50 different casing options in various sizes and species.


Click on the casing that you like and you will go to a screen which gives complete details on the profile including measurements as well as available species. Please note, we can custom run every profile in the wood type of your choice. You can also download each profile in either DWG, DXF or PDF format.


Below is an example of the CAD file for our KB117 Casing profile.


These CAD files help to save significant time in the design phase where previously, architects would have to draw these profiles individually to create millwork plans and schedules for their clients. Plus, designing with stock moulding profiles helps to save time and cost for customers who would otherwise have to have custom mouldings created.

If you have any questions about Kuiken Brothers Moulding CAD Files, or would like to discuss an upcoming project, please contact Ryan Mulkeen E P (201) 705-5375.

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